Parity Quantum Computing Germany GmbH
ParityQC was founded in January 2020 in Innsbruck, Austria as a spin-off from the University of Innsbruck and the Austrian Academy of Science. ParityQC introduces a completely new paradigm on how to encode optimization problems on quantum computers. We develop blueprints for quantum computers based on our patented ParityQC Architecture, as well as the appertaining operating system ParityOS. Our compiling method allows us to solve industry-relevant problems earlier than current approaches and our architecture provides unique advantages for all currently available hardware platforms and both methods (digital and analog). This allows us to provide a fully programmable, parallelizable (no SWAP gates), and scalable architecture. It can be built with a greatly reduced complexity, easy qubit control and independently from the problem.
Role within QSolid
ParityQC is responsible for work package WP10 "HPC system integration" and partner in WP9 "Benchmarking and co-design". ParityQC will explore potential applications for the quantum demonstrator built in QSolid by developing software building blocks which find the best algorithms for industry-relevant use cases. One focus is on the parallelizability of the gates, which is essential for the scalability of the platform. In addition to compiling the problems, another task will be to integrate the developed tools into the QSolid software. This includes integration in all aspects of the software stack, from cloud access to resource management.
Our vision for QSolid
We are delighted to be part of this fascinating project. Together with our 24 partners, we are pursuing the ambitious goal of making quantum computers usable for solving relevant optimization problems. Our architectural approach allows algorithms to be parallelized to a large extent and thus contributes significantly to the scalability of the system. As part of the HPC integration, ParityQC will integrate the architecture and the operating system ParityOS into the software of the overall network, thus enabling the use of the quantum computer for a wide range of applications.
- from Anton Flir, Director of Operations at ParityQC