ParTec AG
ParTec AG, one of the leading SMEs in the HPC domain in Europe and the specialist for modular supercomputing, develops and supports a comprehensive suite of management tools for HPC systems and a runtime environment specifically tuned for the largest distributed-memory supercomputers in existence today and beyond. ParTec’s unrivaled expertise in developing HPC software includes the self-developed ParaStation MPI and tools for issue tracking and node checking such as the TicketSuite and the HealthChecker. In conjunction with professional services, consultancy, and support, ParTec was elected as the partner of choice in some of the leading HPC sites across Europe. For more than two decades, ParTec has been a strong general-purpose HPC specialist in the German and EMEA HPC market.
Role within QSolid
In the QSolid project ParTec is engaged in the subproject "Integration of the Quantum Hardware into the HPC Infrastructure" as part of the work package WP10 ("HPC Integration"). This subproject is dedicated to the essential aspects of connecting the quantum hardware to existing MSA infrastructures. Besides the questions of system administration, user access, system monitoring, and issue tracking, the focus is on the management and allocation of the resources provided by the quantum hardware. ParTec is leading two of the five tasks to which it provides essential contributions.
Our vision for QSolid
The efficient integration of the QPU into a system built according to the Modular Supercomputing Architecture is a fascinating and challenging task. Using the ParaStation Modulo software suite this integration will bring together HPC and classical quantum computing, enabling quantum-hybrid workflows. My colleagues at ParTec AG and I are proud to be part of such an empowering and future-oriented project.
- from Patrick Küven