Quantum Computer in the Solid State
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Qruise develops software that helps scientists and researchers use Machine Learning tools in their day-to-day scientific workflows without having to worry about what's under the hood. ML has revolutionised how science is being done and taking advantage of this new numerical toolset should not require having a full time ML scientist on the team to design, develop and deploy systems. Qruise is developing ML for Science as a productised toolset making ML driven discovery accessible to all.

Role within QSolid

Within the Qsolid project, Qruise will help to accelerate and automate the development of the superconducting Qsolid quantum computer demonstration platform in the areas of both software and hardware, as well as to take over the characterization and calibration or recalibration of the QSolid QPUs and other existing control electronics and to automate these as well. Qruise will also develop the lower levels of the software stack, connecting the control electronics with the high-level compiler program and the HPC Cloud.

Main contacts

Photo of Shai Machnes
Shai Machnes